How do the Archangels Help us through the Dark Night of Soul

There appears to be great upheaval right now. Great upheaval not only globally, but it has trickled down to personal lives as well.

What is real?
What is necessary?
WHY am I here?

These are questions I've been pummeled with in just the past couple of weeks from clients, students and customers at shows. 

This made me stop, ponder and ask The Gang.

WHAT is going on?

While it may seem everything is out to stop, thwart and/or control your every move. It is really far from the truth...or is it?

Of course it is the truth if you allow it to BE so and accept it as outside sources are out to get you. 

However, remember, ALL is an illusion and sometimes a quiet breather is all we need to step back and allow ourselves to actually see what is going on. Here are some of the common culprits of this wonky energy:

Too Much IS going on

There is simply too much on our plate. We are that circus act of plate juggling and something must stop the nonsense.

Easier said than done at times, I get this, so bear with me.

I'm no different. Countless shows throughout the year to Inspire and Empower returning clients, new clients, introducing new great products (or hopefully great), etc. Private weekends. Orders, Family, wedding... well you get the idea... all the time attempting to maintain a sense of balance. 

However, when I pulled back recently in meditation and asked

Why is it so easy to inspire and empower more?

I got amazing answers. Time to cut back on the show circuit. We LOVE doing shows, but they are tiring and sometimes it can get take a day or two or even three to fully recuperate. This of course leaves us drained with little energy to accomplish much. Feelings of being overwhelmed can become all consuming and can easily slip into a black hole where one just desires to pull the blankets over one's head and hide...for a long time.

However, chatting with Big Mike and using his mighty sword to cut through the crap of what is not needed is more than liberating. Clearing house of the highest order. Not just the stuff, but addressed our product line. We discontinued over six products and not one person has noticed. Not one. Those products were sapping energy and not allowing The New to come forward. 

Time to Pull Back, Ask, Listen and Act.

Don't Slip

I know, I know, it's extremely easy to fall into the depths of despair (thank you Anne of Green Gables for that phrase) and at times the event warrants the slip to allow one to figure out what is going on. So we can acknowledge, love and heal on ourselves. By going deep we can go higher than ever before. 

However, since at heart many of us can be Drama Queens, is it really that dire?

Often times not. This is the prime time to chat with Sandalphon and do two things:


  1. Get Outside. Literally. No matter the temperature, getting outside for a minimum of 30 minutes can be a tremendous balm for the soul. This simple act of changing up the view that we see switches up our mental faculties and can offer different insights. It's one of the many reasons I LOVE my laptop - my office changes within a moment's notice; by the fireplace, at the kitchen table, actually in the office or out on the balcony to soak up the songs of nature while I work. It's extremely expansive and mind shifting.
  2. Think Outside the Box. One of my favorite current quotes is by Albert Einstein: Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. How true! IF you are focusing on your desires and they aren't working out as expected, use the Askfirmations:

Why is it so easy to make this better?

Why is it so easy to know the next best steps for me?

Why is it so easy to shift the energy in my favor?

By using the Askfirmations and chatting with Sandalphon, The Angel of Grounding, you BEcome more in your body and can better notice the signs they are offering you to help propel you even further than ever before. 

Give it a try.

Self Love

This is indeed a biggy for us all. How often we live to serve and leave us in an exhausted heap at the end of the day? I know I can be a big ol' pile of mush watching something on Netflix as dribble starts emerging. Bottom line, it ain't pretty.

However, on those days I take the time to nourish my soul, magic happens. I take time to walk Gabi deep into the woods so she can go swamping. I set my intention prior to stepping a foot out the door of what I would like clarity on and let go. As we meander, all sorts of yummy things come to BE.

Taking time for self; the luxurious bubble bath (you now know this is one of my all time favorites), the walk in nature, an exercise class, something, anything you are doing for you gives back to you. I truly cannot stress this enough. You must do this regularly (once a quarter is sooo not regularly). 

Why so important? Because you matter. You deserve to BE recognized and loved upon. When you do this, the universe likewise recognizes your energy shift and you begin to be treated with more love, respect and recognition. 

As our soul is rejuvenating the cobwebs are taken away. We are saying, YES I need help! We begin to allow more to come in the forms of assistance, ideas and more. Shifts happen and happen more easily, effortlessly and yes joyfully.

Is it always rosy and sunshine?

Of course not. Life does go up and down and it's recognizing the differences that can allow you to take advantage, yes I did just say take advantage, of the dips. 

By allowing yourself to go deep you can better see what is triggering the dip. Then chatting with Raphael (Angel of Healing) for healing, Chamuel (Angel of Self Love) for Self Love, Zadkiel (Angel of Transmutation) for clearing and lastly Azrael (Angel of Transition) to transcend this gap and leave behind what does not serve you, magic can and does often happen.

It's listening to your soul and acknowledging its truth. It's listening to you soul and allowing love to enter and take hold. It's listening to your soul and know it's time to BE you. 

 I look forward to reading your responses below! 

1 comment

  • DeAnna Hardy

    I truly needed this today. I have often associated self love with loving who I see in the mirror. It’s deeper than that and you have opened my eyes. Self love is taking more time for many in many different ways. Thank you

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