It really IS all about the journey, not the destination

It really IS all about the journey, not the destination

How many times have you driven by something, say a home and never noticed the nuances? These nuances are only noticed when you walk by and may even find yourself muttering 'When did they do that?' to find out months ago!

When we go flying by something, anything, we miss the joy of the journey. 

While I was on a video call the other night with the Authorization Students, I shared with them our daily 'event' here on island ... The Duck Parade. They walk down our street every evening, jump into the bay, swim to one of the smaller islands to sleep for the night. They reverse the process every morning. I was sharing their evening stroll with the group - it makes me giggle and wondered out loud why they rarely, if ever, fly.

One very smart goddess responded in a nano-second -

'Because they'll miss the joy of the journey.'

Smack my head and point out the obvious why don't you!

While these ducks may have been trained by their moms to walk this route daily as they were perhaps too young to fly initially, they have now obviously chosen to walk. They have created a daily sacred ritual; going off and coming on the island. Are they setting up their own energy grid? Perhaps.

Often they walk smack dab down the middle of our street. Other times, they will meander in the yards. It's never a straight march. They stop. They chat amongst themselves. They gauge what is going on in front as well as behind them. It's very endearing, but what a lesson ~ enjoy your surroundings! 

They take their time.
They enjoy the journey.
They don't rush headfirst into anything.
They savor the moment.
They chat amongst themselves.
Perhaps they chat to themselves! 

They bring joy to whoever sees them; cars stop for their majesty, folks take photos of them, everyone smiles. I've not seen one person in all these years frown at their royal walk. Their simple act makes the world stop and appreciate.

What a gift from these waddling beauties.

It IS about the journey, not the destination! By rushing to the finish line, and 'being first' you will receive no ribbon, medal or kudos from anyone. You very well will miss beautiful nuances, people and moments along the way due to the rushing. 

Why not savor the journey? Is it always easy? Hardly. But once you begin to slow down and embrace the moment, no matter for how long or short, your system does slow down and who knows, maybe you'll get to see the ducks walking down your street too. 



Please feel free to leave your comments below and share the Chatter. Many thanks ahead of time.


  • Blake Cahoon

    What a wonderful article to remind us to slow down. I love the whole concept of the Ducks.

  • Kathy

    We get geese around here. You are right about how they make us all stop, turn down our radios and say “awwwww, hello there”?? what a blessing they are to us. Thanks for making the hustle & bustle come to a complete stop for a few minutes ?

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