July's Full Moon and What it MAY mean for you... get ready

July's Full Moon and What it MAY mean for you... get ready

This month's full moon on July 9th is also called the Thunder Moon within Native American Cultures. Why thunder? Logically, it is when in the northern hemisphere the chance of thunderstorms are the highest than any other time of the year. This is also the time that the young bucks begin to grow their antlers; they are stepping into their power. This gives hints of how this moon shall affect you.

Back to the energy of thunderstorms...

Thunderstorms hold within them all the elements:

  • Fire - lightening
  • Water - rain
  • Wind - durr
  • Earth - where lightening strikes. If on beaches, it creates the powerful crystal, fulgurite (sometimes called Lightening Stone)
  • Metal - while not in the truest sense, but the ozone that is created with lightening strikes has a metal 'taste' to it.

What does all this mean and how can you harness it?

First grab your crystal babies; especially your clear quartz. Place them outside. Clear quartz is The Master Crystal and contains within it all the elements. It gets absolutely giddy when placed outside during a thunderstorm, or in this case The Thunder Moon. This particular moon's energy will clear and charge your beauties. One size can fit all at times!

Due to a thunderstorm's intensity, it also brings with it that same kind of intensity within your personal life. Great feelings of squeamishness, unworthiness, frustration, failure can all bubble up during this time. This is the perfect time to hand over these inferior thoughts to The Gang for some serious LOVE.

It is a time of moving forward with greater speed. Folks, seemingly at random, will ply you with new ideas of what you could do to make your life better. LISTEN well, for through them the angels are talking.

IF you are an adventurous sort, go outside during a thunderstorm.

(I release all blame for being silly if lightening strikes too close to you and you get hurt.) 

Set your intention. What do you wish to clear? What do you wish to manifest? As all full moons go, there is great power within this one.

IF a storm is brewing or raging, keep track of lightening strikes and how close it is. (count seconds after a lightening strike. Each second roughly gauges how far in mileage the lightening struck. PLEASE if too close, get inside). IF safe, feel the energy build within you. Feel your power surge. BEcome more alive. As the storms moves on, feel your soul own this new found energy and BEcome one with it all. 

As soon as you are back inside to dryer climates, write down everything that comes to mind. These thoughts may seem random and yet, they may not. You are receiving messages from The Gang at a very fast pace, so be sure to have the paper or journal laid out before you go outside. Once all is written down, it is advised that you don't dwell upon what was written down, thought of, etc. for approximately one moon cycle. This allows the energy of the Thunder Moon and/or Thunderstorm to do its cleansing and propelling you forward. 

It is most definitely a scenario of Ask, Release, Receive.

IF there is no thunderstorm during this Full Moon, repeat the above exercise. Set the intention that you allow the storm to surge through you to clear unwanted energies and fill you with great power. The greater power of LOVE. As you as getting clearer, you realize that LOVE does conquer all. LOVE fuels all. LOVE is ALL. Even if dry outside, I recommend you do not bring your journal outside with you initially. Spend quality time with the moon's energy first. If it is a lovely evening in your world, you may eventually bring out your sacred journal and begin writing. Trust me, you will miss out on the fun if you bring out the journal and write from the get go... be patient!

Chat with Angel Auriel, The Angel of the Moon. She helps to illuminate your chosen path with greater clarity. She will most definitely surprise you with insights of where your path is taking you, who is going to be involved, and what some of the results will be.

A magical moon indeed.


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