The Revolution is ON!

The Revolution is ON!

I've been listening, observing and listening some more; to clients, students and the many Chatterers as they share in our sacred space on Facebook , their concerns, their fears and all the 'things' that are keeping them from realizing their dreams.

The time for a spiritual revolution is upon us! It is time to stand tall in your truth. It is time for you to stand tall in your beauty. It is time for you to stand tall in your love.

It is time.

Following is typically how your spiritual revolution may unfold:

There are always 'things' that we latch unto that don't serve us; twinkies, bad relationships, drama and more. These 'things' are like an old lumpy pillow. We've gotten use to it. We may wake up with a neck crick, but who doesn't? (right?) WRONG. What would life be like to wake up refreshed, renewed and overjoyed to start the day? Pretty fantastic right? That's what breaking through during this revolution will give you.

It's recognizing the last big things that you are holding onto that are not of service to you. It's the last big labor pain before you stand taller and prouder and more empowered.

It's not fighting in that war fashion - so old school wouldn't you say? It's recognizing its value that was given to you over its tenure with you. It is then up to you to lovingly release it gently into that good night as the saying goes. Not for someone else to grab onto, but through that essence of love, it turns back to love. 

It is through love we conquer. It is through love we empower. It is through love we manifest.

In fact, I received a major compliment from a colleague just yesterday:

You walk your talk.

You are unafraid to do so.

You don't do the bullshit bitchcraft, and

maintain your serenity through all of it.


As I told her; she hadn't seen me when my blood sugar dropped or when tired; but through stepping forward and standing on the shoulders of giants I've learned and still learn to stand tall and be proud of who I am and what I am here to do:

To empower millions. To inspire and remind all that they deserve what they desire.

The revolution is on. Will you pick up wings and begin to soar?

It's time.

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