Who are Archangels Michael and Gabriel and how do they help you?

Who are Archangels Michael and Gabriel and how do they help you?

If you are interested in any things woo-woo and/or angels, odds are you know of or have at least heard of Archangel Michael and Archangel Gabriel. When I think about it, looking back they were probably first in line as part of my initiation of remembering. 

Whenever I start introducing anyone to the angelic realm, Archangel Michael, or alias Big Mike, is always first. Why? He is the Angel of Protection. As a leader and teacher I want to be assured that you are protected as you delve deeper into your spiritual practice as you go higher.

Big Mike is one of the few angels mentioned in the bible. He oversees the solar plexus and throat chakra; our place of power and communication. How great is it that when he is by your side that communication becomes easier! When Michael begins to enter your life more consciously, your ride of empowerment is just beginning in earnest.

Michael is the patron saint of the police force in the United States. His color association is yellow and blue. What colors are the the United States police force?

You got it, yellow and blue. Somewhere, somehow, someone knew this and guessing had a deep connection with Archangel Michael and decided to bring that protective power forward. In fact, I’ve had clients share their stories that while in the courtroom they as well as others actually see him there! He’s just cool that way. As any self respecting angel has a tool, Michael is no different. Since he is THE protector, his tool of choice? A sword! He can and will cut through any crap in your life, stand guard (with a smile on his face) and do battle for you when needed.

As all names have a meaning, Michael is no different. His name is translated to mean, “Who Is As God.”  What a beautiful reminder that can easily apply to you. YOU are a true reflection of God/Goddess. A beautiful being filled with love, light, joy, immense grace, with a bit of quirkiness thrown in for good measure. As a reflection of this energy, you have the ability to do all you desire. You know, those dreams that can keep you up at night, those dreams that feel real and leave you breathless due to all the beauty and joy it gives to you. Those are the kind of insights that the angels can sneak in to remind you of who you are and what you are meant to be doing. Michael holds one of the keys to help open those doors for you. His question to you is…. ‘Will you step through?’

I’ve had a personal encounter with each of the angels that I directly work with; therefore there is of course one for Big Mike: 

It had been one crazy strand of a chaotic few weeks that actually spanned the entire spring season. It started with my dad having a massive heart attack - or the Day the Elephant Danced as he calls it. (It felt like an elephant was dancing on his chest). Dad not only survived, but is now thriving. I happened to be visiting them during this adventure; I naturally extended my visit to help be the comic relief and do what I do best; distract and comfort.

Then we had three back to back expos scattered around the region. While we came home in between each one to restock and slightly refuel, we became tired.

Our youngest then had elective surgery approximately one week after the last show. I trekked across The Chesapeake Bay (about a four hour journey) to be with her. If you have children and they have ever been operated on, you know how I felt. STRESSED! She came through it with flying colors and was released later that day. I then gathered our eldest and we headed to visit her; another hour away. We stayed for the weekend, made yummy food, nurtured, visited, and tried to relax. A few days later, my eldest and I drove back to her home for a Farmer's Market run and quick visit with her and her boyfriend.

I then left their home and headed back to my parents, another four hour trek, to retrieve my Yogi Dog, Gabi. 

Tired yet? I was.

As I am driving along, Michael pops in to remind me to have him surround the car.


Michael to my right
Michael to my left
Michael in front
Michael behind
Michael above
Michael below
Please protect me wherever I go


Shades of things to come?

All was going smoothly, little traffic, and familiar terrain. Gertrude, my handy dandy GPS System, then had me turn onto a road I was unfamiliar with. Since it had been a while since I traveled this particular route, I thought I had forgotten it and listened.

Ugh. The road quickly became barely a two lane road with NO berms/shoulder or dividing line. Oh, did I mention it was VERY curvy? By the time I came to the realization that this is NOT where I wanted to be, I figured, how bad could it get and trudged on.

How bad could it be? Silly question.

Did I mention it was curvy? I drove on, knuckles becoming white as my hands gripped the steering wheel.

I called on Big Mike, just to make sure he was around. I was getting scared and knowing that he was around helped to rest my mind… a little. I mean, I knew I was driving well, but those curves were not making me comfortable as I was unsure how others would handle them.

I drove below the speed limit, very unlike me, and see yet another curve up ahead. Before I could slow down more, a BIG truck is now headed directly for me. Okay it wasn’t an eighteen-wheeler, but I couldn’t see the driver, he/she was up that high. I pulled over as far as possible and was now driving partly on the grass. The truck still didn't pull more to their side and kept plowing ahead.

Rut roh… 

Before I knew it, I am pressing hard on the horn. How my hand got there still befuddles me. It was as if a hand had gently pried my hand from the steering wheel, placed it on the horn and pressed. Hard.

The truck then pulled more to their chosen side, I think slightly slowed down and passed me. I tell you, I think, I could have put my hand out and touched the truck as it passed. Yes it was that close.

I exhaled. Who knew I was holding my breath?! I look in the rearview mirror, the truck emitted no brake lights and simply kept moving forward. 

Heart racing, glowing with sweat, I continuing driving white knuckled for the rest of that trek and practically kissed the ground when I arrived at my folks home.

It was beyond a nerve wracking experience and took hours to calm down.

OH! The next day after sharing this story with a friend, she promptly writes back that Big Mike popped into her office immediately after reading my story and says ‘Yep, I was there protecting her.’ He appeared to her as a flash of white light surrounded by electric blue.


Thanks Michael.

Hopefully this story has proven to you that you don’t need or are required to do a specific ceremony to connect with him or any other angel. Seriously, if I had to stop what I was doing (driving safely) and kneel down, face South before he would listen? I’mmmm not so sure I’d be her right now. 

Gabriel is no different in his accessibility to you and all things creative. Gabriel works with the sacral chakra the place of creativity, sexual, sensual and miracles. Before you skip this over by not thinking you aren’t creative, STOP! Every day you do something creative whether it be planning a menu, schedule shuffling, art, writing or problem solving. Each and every day we are tapping into this very juicy chakra.

Toot Toot! That is Gabriel tooting his horn with you in mind. True, a horn is often associated with Gabriel as he can also be called 'The Great Communicator’. He brings news of all kinds; the good, the bad, the ugly and the euphoric. He is the angel accredited with giving Mary the news of the impeding birth of her Son. Talk about euphoric, but what a ‘burden’ knowing what your son was to experience in his life. Gabriel’s horn can also offer the ‘all’s good to go’ sign. In fact, while at an expo, a new client came forward only because she heard Gabriel’s horn while standing at our booth and knew she would get great clarity from the angels through me. What a blessing indeed!

Gabriel also assists in awakening the senses. For example, think of one of the most decadent meals you’ve ever had. You felt the food swirl within your mouth; the textures, the spices. The food felt like it was literally exploding and made you salivate for more. THIS is the senses waking up and truly enjoying what life is offering you. The meal became a sensual experience, just as wearing a luxurious piece of clothing, just as smelling an aroma you adore.


Archangel Gabriel's Mandala


How about those doodles you absentmindedly draw when bored? What about how you decorate your home? What about...So the next time someone says you or they are not creative, just smile and shout out, ‘Au contraire!’ and give a wink to Gabriel for showing how creative you really are.

Gabriel assists in birth as well as death. It’s the Cycle/Circle of Life. He is especially helpful if the grieving process has become difficult; you can’t get past the death of a loved one. Whether it is mourning, blaming self for things said or not said, things done or not done. All those ‘what ifs’ that typically run amuck during this powerfully charged time. This can also include a beloved pet. Allow Gabriel to connect with you and remember the joyful moments of that one’s life and the reason that they were in it; no matter how short or long. If there is something that is still yearning to be said to them, Gabriel can and will assist getting your message delivered. Remember he carries a horn - it acts as a great megaphone.

Just like Michael’s name means Who is like God. Gabriel’s name translates to God is My Strength. What a beautiful reminder that you can build your strength with the assistance of Gabriel. Strength to go after your dreams. Strength to give birth to new ways of being. Strength to be different, and be you. Strength to not only shine, but to share your brilliance with the world.

Hopefully you are beginning to better understand how integrated Archangels Michael and Gabriel are in your lives already. Sometimes it is about connected dots and better understanding of who does what

Want to connect with these two dynamos more easily? I can help. Consider signing up for the Authorization Course; it’s only open for enrollment once a year and now is the time! If you have any questions about The Course, Please contact me.


Archangel Michael's Mandala 


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