Askfirmations ~  Make Affirmations More Effective by Using Powerful Questions - Angel Chatter
Askfirmations ~  Make Affirmations More Effective by Using Powerful Questions - Angel Chatter
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Askfirmations ~  Make Affirmations More Effective by Using Powerful Questions - Angel Chatter
Askfirmations ~  Make Affirmations More Effective by Using Powerful Questions - Angel Chatter
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Take Affirmations to an Entirely New Powerful Place 

Have you been diligently using mantras, affirmations and other positive statements to call upon the universe to guide your way?

Or pouring over books touting the virtues of vision boards and other methods to help you envision the life for which you yearn? Repeating affirmations endlessly as you go about your day in hopes of a shift, any shift will begin to occur?

Does it seem like you spend every one of your precious free moments trying to manifest all that you desire? And yet, despite all this action on your part, no matter how often you use affirmations you find yourself wondering:


When is my break going to happen?

and so on

In ASKFIRMATIONS, Make affirmations more effective by using powerful questions, Christine Alexandria, renowned for helping others to empower themselves to explore their greatest potential, explains that there’s much more to the universal law of attraction than just simply looking at images, words or phrases to help you get the life you desire. It doesn’t take much, but it does require a bit of retraining of your mind’s process. That’s where Christine’s Askfirmations method can come to the rescue by teaching you to just ask for that life you want, using positive, present-tense language that the universe is forced to respond in your favor. All you have to do is prepare yourself to be open and begin receiving it.


The Daily Askfirmation Deck

The Daily Askfirmation Deck was prompted by the growing community on Facebook, Angel Chatter. 

Simply pull a card every morning. Read the card you pulled out loud and allow The Universe and Angels to prompt, guide and inspire you throughout the day. 

It's that simple; pull a card, speak out loud, BE prepared to BE inspired. No intuiting, no alternative meaning, just allow.

What others are saying:

I have been told to do affirmations for years, supposedly to say them a million plus times to convince our monkey minds that I am worthy, wealthy, slim, etc. Of course all they ever did was poke my ego to say, who you? No way. Try again sweet pea. My ego can be very insulting. Sound familiar?  Then I discovered Angel Chatter Askfirmations? Askforwhat?

Christine Alexandria was brilliant when she came up with asking positive questions instead of negative ones.

And they are based in science. Our brains are designed to look for answers. The beauty of the Askfirmation cards is that I can pick a card, read the Askfirmation and I do not have to come up with an answer. My brain is busy looking for a positive solution as I go about my day. And very often, at some point an idea comes to mind that is the perfect answer for me.

So instead of asking why should you purchase these cards, ask instead why not?

Barbara Patterson


I met you on Sunday in Allentown, PA for the MUM Expo. I learned about Askfirmations. Today while having teeth drilled and temporary crowns put in I repeatedly asked 'Why does the noise of the drill relax me so much?' In an attempt to lower my anxiety. Even with multiple novacane shots, the sound of the drill would always raise my anxiety making me clench my muscles which would add to the length of time in the chair. 
The Askfirmation did an amazing job! Leaving me extremely relaxed comfortable and making the whole experience a real breeze!
Thank you, thank you, thank you to the angels and you!


I just taught my Yin Yoga class this morning based on "How is it so easy to Breathe". By the end of the class the tension and restlessness had melted away into EASE. Very fun to watch it all unfold. 29 people experienced the power of Askfirmations.
 H. Austin - Texas